Selasa, 27 November 2018

adverbial phrase, adjective phrase, and prepositional phrase with tree diagram

Learning Adverbial phrase, Adjective phrase, and Prepositional phrase with tree diagram
Hello guys welcome to my blog we will learning a material about adverbial phrase, adjective phrase, and prepositional phrase with tree diagram

Have you ever learned about this? Oke..please just stay here to study about it.

Adverbial phrase is a word group with an adverb as its head. An adverbial phrase can modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb or even an entire sentence or main clause.

Adjective phrase is a phrase that tells us something about the noun it is modifying. The head (principal) word in an adjective phrase will be an adjective.

Prepositional phrase is a group of words that lacks either a verb or a subject, and that functions as a unified part of speech. It normally consists of a preposition and a noun or a preposition and a pronoun.

That all are the definition of adverbial phrase, adjective phrase, and prepositional phrase. If you want to know more about this, we can study use tree diagram. Do you know what is the tree diagram?
Tree diagram is one of the technique analyse sentence structure. Please look at the tree diagram below:
 1).She wrote a message on the wall

This sentence is consists of NP (noun phrase) and VP (verb phrase). NP has pronoun, that is "she". VP consists of verb "wrote" and NP (det: a, and Noun: message). Prepositional phrase (PP) is consist of preposition "on" and NP (det: the, and noun: wall).
 2). The baby slept soundly

This sentence is consist of NP and VP. NP consist of det "the" and noun "baby". VP is consist of verb "slept" and adverb "soundly."
 3). The children scream historically

This sentence is consist of NP and VP. NP is consist of det "the" and noun "children." Then, the VP is consist of verb "scream" and adverb "historically."
 4). Ken made a cake for the party

This sentence is consist of NP and VP. NP has pronoun, that is Ken. While VP is consist of verb "made" and NP ( det: a, and noun: cake). Prepositional phrase is consist preposition "for" and NP (det: the, and noun: party).
5). Susana is extremely scary movie

This sentence is consist of NP and VP. NP has pronoun "Susana". VP has verb "is" and NP is consist of (adverb: extremely, adjective: scary, and noun: movie).
 Thank you.
See you....

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